Application For Fee Concession Due To Financial Problems (5,6,7,8,11 Class)

Hello friends, today’s post is going to be very helpful because in today’s post we are going to talk about Full Fee Concession Application so that you do not have any problem, so for you Full Fee Concession Application 5 + Sample with the help of which you can easily write your application.

So the data given in it is written according to you, still if there is any problem, ask in the comment box.

Write a Full Fee Concession Application in English


The Principal,

[ School Name ]

School Address

Sub – Full Fee Concession


            I am a student of the [11th ] class of your school. My father is a poor man. He cannot pay my school fee. I am the best player of volleyball. Kindly grant me full fee concession. I shall be thankful to you.

Yours Faithfully

Name – Rahul

Roll No – 15

Class – 11th


Full Fee Concession Application for 5th Class


The Principal 

Your school Name

School Address

Subject: Application for fee Concession

Sir / Madam

                  Most respectfully, I wish to submit that I am a student of class _____of your school. I belong to a family which is very poor. My father is a Rickshaw Driver. He has a large family to is very difficult for us to make both ends meet in these days of rising prices and inflationary trends.

                                              I have a great interest in studies.But under the present circumstances it is very difficult for me to pursue my studies.

In every examination, I do very well .I have also won the trophy of’ Best player in circket.

Therefore, Keeping in view my merits and financial shortages, I am compelled to request you ,

Sir,to grant me Full fee Concession.I promise that I shall do my best to enhance the presting of my school.

I shall be extremely grateful to you for this kindness.

Thanking you.

Your Faithfully

   Your Name

  Class,Roll No.

Full Fee Concession Application for 7th Class


The Principal

School Name

School Address

Subject : An Application for fee concession

Sir / Madam

Respectfully, I beg to say that I am a student for class 7th of your school. My father is a poor farmer. So that my father is a poor farmer so he can not pay many school fees.

Kindly grant me full fee concession.

   Thanking you!

                               Your’s obediently


.                              Class Roll: 

Full Fee Concession Application for 9th Class


   The Principal

    School Name

    School Address


    Most respectfully, I beg to say that I am student of class 9th in your school.

The financial condition of my family is very bad. My father monthly income is too less and he has to support my fee. But I want to take the school education as I am brilliant student.

Therefore, kindly grant me full fee concession.

I shall be highly obliged to act of your kindness.

                               Your’s obediently


.                              Class Roll: 

Full Fee Concession Application for 8th Class


The Principal

ABCD School

Patana Bihar

Subject:  Application for all fee concession.

Respected sir. / Mam

                                 I beg to say that I am student of  8th class in your school. I want to tell you. My father is poor man. My father monthly income is 2000 to 3700 . I have two brothers or one sister. My father connot Pay my school fees.

I am good student and good at studies. I request you kindly grant me full fee concession.

I shall be very thankful to you.

Your obediently



Roll No


Full Fee Concession Application for 6th Class


The Principal

Your school Name

School Address

Subject: Application for fees concession.


    Respectfully I beg to say I am a student of class 6 th of your school . My father is a very poor farmer. So he can not pay my school fees.

Kindly grant me full fee concession and oblige. So I request you to grant me full fee concession.

Your obediently

Name : XYZ Raj 


Roll No


Application For Fee Concession Due To Financial Problems in College


    The Principal,

     School Name

     City Name

Subject: Application for fee concession .

Sir / Madam,

                   Respectfully I beg to say that my father is a very poor man . His pay is very low. So he can not pay my school fee.

                     I, therefore, request you to grant me full concession.

Thanking you !

Your obediently

Name : XYZ Raj 


Roll No


So the data given in it is written according to you, still if there is any problem, ask in the comment box.

Write a Full Fee Concession Application in English


The Principal,

[ School Name ]

School Address

Sub – Full Fee Concession


            I am a student of the [11th ] class of your school. My father is a poor man. He cannot pay my school fee. I am the best player of volleyball. Kindly grant me full fee concession. I shall be thankful to you.

Yours Faithfully

Name – Rahul

Roll No – 15

Class – 11th


Full Fee Concession Application for 7th Class


The Principal 

Your school Name

School Address

Subject: Application for fee Concession

Sir / Madam

                  Most respectfully, I wish to submit that I am a student of class _____of your school. I belong to a family which is very poor. My father is a Rickshaw Driver. He has a large family to is very difficult for us to make both ends meet in these days of rising prices and inflationary trends.

                                              I have a great interest in studies.But under the present circumstances it is very difficult for me to pursue my studies.

In every examination, I do very well .I have also won the trophy of’ Best player in circket.

Therefore, Keeping in view my merits and financial shortages, I am compelled to request you ,

Sir,to grant me Full fee Concession.I promise that I shall do my best to enhance the presting of my school.

I shall be extremely grateful to you for this kindness.

Thanking you.

Your Faithfully

   Your Name

  Class,Roll No.

Full Fee Concession Application for 6th Class


The Principal

School Name

School Address

Subject : An Application for fee concession

Sir / Madam

                  Respectfully I beg to say that I am a student for class 6th of your school. My father is a poor farmer. So that my father is a poor farmer so he can not pay many school fees.

Kindly grant me full fee concession.

   Thanking you!

                               Your’s obediently


.                              Class Roll: …………..

Full Fee Concession Application for 9th Class


   The Principal

    School Name

    School Address


    Most respectfully, I beg to say that I am student of class 9th in your school.

The financial condition of my family is very bad. My father monthly income is too less and he has to support my fee. But I want to take the school education as I am brilliant student.

Therefore, kindly grant me full fee concession.

I shall be highly obliged to act of your kindness.

                               Your’s obediently


.                              Class Roll: 

Full Fee Concession Application for 10th Class


The Principal

ABCD School

Patana Bihar

Subject:  Application for all fee concession.

Respected sir. / Mam

                                 I beg to say that I am student of  10th class in your school. I want to tell you. My father is poor man. My father monthly income is 2000 to 3700 . I have two brothers or one sister. My father connot Pay my school fees.

I am good student and good at studies. I request you kindly grant me full fee concession.

I shall be very thankful to you.

Your obediently



Roll No


Full Fee Concession Application for 3rd Class


The Principal

Your school Name

School Address

Subject: Application for fees concession.


    Respectfully I beg to say I am a student of class 3rd of your school . My father is a very poor farmer. So he can not pay my school fees.

Kindly grant me full fee concession and oblige. So I request you to grant me full fee concession.

Your obediently

Name : XYZ Raj 


Roll No


Application to Your Principal for Fee Concession


    The Principal,

     School Name

     City Name

Subject: Application for fee concession .

Sir / Madam,

                   Respectfully I beg to say that my father is a very poor man . His pay is very low. So he can not pay my school fee.

                     I, therefore, request you to grant me full concession.

Thanking you !

Your obediently

Name : XYZ Raj 


Roll No



In this post, we have seen the Formats of Full Fee Concession Application, so friends hope that this post has been very useful to you.
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